Reasons to Choose SEO Responsive Web Design

responsive web design

As we all know about the competitive digital marketing era as it is today with the emerging technology, responsive web design is no more a sign of a luxurious brand, but a necessity to stay relevant in the markets.

Responsive Web design was once a luxurious tactic for brands to come in the top rankings, but now it is a basic standard among web design platforms. In this current era of the digital landscape, responsive web design is a necessity for SEO like never before.

In the present time, various elements play a crucial role in SEO algorithms. Mentioned below are five main SEO advantages of responsive web design.
Search engine optimization, quality content and now, responsive web-design are all on the same platform and are as important as ever for SEO algorithms. Google, in April 2018 implemented the use of ‘mobile-friendly’ design or as they call it, the’ mobile-first’ initiative.

This means that if you have a desktop website only and your competitor has both desktop website as well as a mobile-optimized website, the competitor is likely to outrank you in the SEO ranking index.

Various companies are utilizing the same content for two of their websites, the desktop version, and the mobile version. This situation might hit that brand with duplicate content penalties. I know you all must be wondering what the brand must be the same!

Yes, but the Google crawlers do not understand the difference between: and, these situations have high chances of getting in trouble for duplicate or copied content, unless of course measures are taken.
Working on Google’s ‘mobile-first’ index will allow you to have a single URL for both your website versions i.e. desktop and mobile that too without the risk of duplicate content penalties.

Bounce rate simply means how fast the viewers are leaving your website after determining that this is not what they want. The quicker the viewers exit your website, the more the bounce rate will be. The metric system on the search engines evaluates how relevant or irrelevant your content on the website is. A higher bounce rate will definitely affect the SEO rankings of the website.

A visually optimized website must be interesting with quality content which is easy to read and digest. This will lower your website bounce rate and count it as responsive.
Websites with more than 3 seconds of load time will suffer a 50-60% loss of visitors. Thus, a company needs to optimize its load time so that customer experience is not hampered. SEO algorithms include load speeds as a ranking signal.

However, one must have a fully optimized mobile website as well as a desktop website with user-friendly and responsive design in order to be ranked accordingly by the SEO algorithms.

Google recognizes your website after analyzing a few key segments such as the bounce rate of your website. Thus, website designers must ensure that the user experience is a priority along with ease of access and mobile-friendliness. This will improve the readability on your website and enhance the user experience.

Mobile phones are the go-to devices for web browsing and e-commerce activities. Thus, brands need to have a user-friendly and responsive web design or else your numbers might go down. There are various benefits of responsive websites, which can help you to outrank your competitors in the SEO rankings.

